
We just updated the ABOT Database to include 52 new robots we recently identified over the past year. Please find information about their names, images, humanlikeness scores, and dimension scores on the Collection page and in the downloadable robot information Excel file. We have also added bootstrapped 95% confidence Intervals (10,000 resamples) in this file. With an ever-increasing collection of anthropomorphic robots, we hope that our ABOT Database will continue to serve a useful resource for your research!


Xuan, Beth, Bertram, and the entire ABOT team

Upcoming Updates

Since we updated the Database in March 2019, the following robots have been brought to our attention:

Ai-Da, Alpha Mini, AMBIDEX, ARMAR-6, Artie, Cloi, HRP-4C, INNFOS IR-S, INNFOS IR-3, Liku, LOVOT, Miko, MYNT, Pando, Pibo, Wonderboy.

These robots will be added to our database during our next update. If you are aware of other robots that we currently do not have in the database, please contact us! We appreciate your suggestions.

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